July 9-October 1, 2022

Belong, Connect, Discover: 100 Years of MSU Texas Treasures

Celebrating the MSU Centennial

July 9 - October 1, 2022


Universities offer a wealth of resources in support of learning and enrichment, including collections of all kinds. Donations of collections often commemorate a person or milestone in the university’s history and, as such, tell a story that can inspire one’s own belonging. Learn about the treasures at MSU, when and how they came to be and what is special about them. From geological specimens to early radiology equipment and documentary photographs to illuminated manuscripts, with visual art and letter jackets too, the collections at MSU Texas invite broad interest, study, and enrichment.

This project is organized by MSU undergraduate Callie Bishop under the direction of WFMA Director, Tracee Robertson, and in partnership with Dr. Matthew Capps, Educational Leadership & Technology; Dr. William Cook, Biology; Leah Gose, School of Visual Arts; Dr. Jonathan Price, Geosciences; Alissa Russell, Moffett Library Special Collections; BriAnna Satterfield, WFMA Collections; Dr. Beth Leigh Veale, Radiologic Sciences; and Dr. Ray Willis, Biology.

Ways to connect with this exhibition:

30 Minutes with the Expert

Join us on select dates in September evenings to learn about the unique objects on display at the WFMA, including radiology equipment and scans from the early 20th century, geological specimens, architectural drawings, and more!

September 1, 5:30pm 
Dr. Ray Willis - Professor of Biology

September 3, 1:30pm
Dr. William Cook - Professor of Biology; Director of the Dalquest Desert Research Station

September 10, 1:30pm 
Dr. Jonathan Price - Professor of Geology

September 15, 5:30pm
Alissa Russell - Moffett Library, Special Collections

October 1, 1:30pm 
Dr. Beth Veale - Chair of Radiologic Sciences



Voelcker & Dixon Inc. Hardin with wings and tower, 1935; From the MSU Archive Collection, Moffett Library Special Collections.

Quartz, c. 1997; From the Kimbell School of Geosciences Display Collection.