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The Keyword Search button allows you to perform a general search across multiple fields and tags for any catalog records online.
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Image Use and Access
The Museum Online Collections Database provides all the necessary information to properly create citations. Information is found under the object details. We encourage users to identify works from the Museum collection by using the following image credit: “Image courtesy of the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU Texas."
The Museum recognizes its responsibility to provide access to its collection as an educational tool. The images on the Online Collections Database are posted under fair use guidelines and adhere to the AAMD guidelines for online collection images.
Rights and Reproductions
Images are provided for personal, non-commercial, and educational use. In support of the Museum's mission, we hope that students, scholars, artists, and anyone interested in the collection will freely use the database for enhancing teaching, learning and research activities. ⇒Public Domain
Images of artworks that are not subject to copyright protection and are in the public domain may be freely used without permission.
Artworks in Copyright
Images of artworks that are held in copyright by artists and/or other parties.
Copyright not Evaluated
Images of artworks that the copyright status is unknown.
Fair Use
Fair use is defined as use of copyrighted materials for noncommercial purposes, such as teaching, scholarship, criticism, commentary, and news reporting (See, e.g., Title 17, Section 107 of the Copyright Act and the “Teach Act”).
Any statement on the copyright status of a work is made by the WFMA in good faith. End users are responsible for seeking necessary permissions from the copyright holder. For image requests, please contact the Collections Manager for an Image Request Form.
Many of our contemporary works are represented by the Artist Rights Society (ARS).
Tuesday - Friday
10:00AM - 5:00PMSaturday
1:00PM - 5:00PM